
FleetDriverCare BVBA is an organisation that focuses on the optimisation of the influence of the driver on the total cost of ownership starting from a savings generating monitoring of the physical condition of the cars by means of its GSR2 services


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We found that the main root page on fleetanddrivercare.be took one thousand and eighty milliseconds to stream. I could not find a SSL certificate, so our crawlers consider this site not secure.
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FleetDriverCare BVBA is an organisation that focuses on the optimisation of the influence of the driver on the total cost of ownership starting from a savings generating monitoring of the physical condition of the cars by means of its GSR2 services


The domain states the following, "The mission of FleetDriverCare consists in reducing in a preventive way the number and severity of accidents while steering and managing driving behaviour into a safer and more ecological direction." I observed that the web site stated " This quantitative and qualitative focus allows companies to realize savings that exceed always the costs of the initiatives." They also stated " A lot of accidents are due to the distraction of the driver. The Mobileye gives the driver an audiovisual signal on time in order to avoid accidents." The meta header had GSR2 as the first keyword. This keyword was followed by monitoring, fleet, and savings which isn't as important as GSR2. The other words the site uses is cars.



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